Eurasian Fire in Nature Conservation Network



Eurasian Fire in Nature Conservation Network (EFNCN) 













The symposium will provide a platform for the exchange of data, expertise, and views of institutions and individuals who are actively applying or conducting research in prescribed burning for the purpose of nature conservation (biodiversity management, habitat management), land and landscape management, and forestry, notably in forest fire management. As the EFNCN is operating at the science-management and science-policy interface, representatives of institutions representing land managers and owners, public services, e.g. fire services, are invited to attend to discuss and share views on professional capacity building in the use of prescribed fire.

Overall, the symposium will support the advancement of the use of prescribed fire in Eurasia; particularly by considering the involvement of local communities in land and fire management.

The region of interest covered by the symposium is temperate-boreal Eurasia with a focus on Europe North of the Alps and the adjoining countries of East / Southeast Europe, Caucasus, Central and Northeast Asia.

Envisaged Outputs of the Symposium

The symposium will include plenary sessions with presentations of project reports and analyses of policies and management strategies, as well as dedicated side events for major projects and other groups.

Among other the desired outputs of the symposium include:

  • Collate and publish the state-of-the art and expertise in the use of prescribed fire (project reports)

  • Update the EFNCN database

  • Prepare a White Paper on the Use of Prescribed Fire in Land Management, Nature Conservation and Forestry in temperate-boreal Eurasia

The attendance at the symposium is by invitation. Invitees are encouraged to submit a title and a half-page abstract of an oral presentation and / or a poster.

All attendees actively working in the use of prescribed fire, either in research or in management application will receive a template for reporting basic information on prescribed burning sites, aimed at updating the EFNCN database. This database will be shared with the Fire Paradox database.




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