Nature Park Hutovo Blato: The biggest birdwatching site in Europe is almost completely destroyed

Nature Park Hutovo Blato: The biggest birdwatching site in Europe is almost completely destroyed

26 October 2017

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English version of the news. Note: the news has been translated by Google translator.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA : Although the fire that broke out yesterday morning soon succeeded in localizing, in the afternoon hours, most likely due to deliberate ignition in several places, the fire, worn by a strong wind, was strongly blown up and throbbing in front of it. The damage is enormous, confirmed by Mate Jurkovic, the commander of the Čapljina Fire Department.

This is how the Nature Park “Hutovo mud” looks like a day after the fire. The unique submediterranean swamp and the largest wintering bird in Europe is almost completely destroyed.

– We’re in a situation where, once we get out of one place, fire comes out on the other. Strong wind and wet ground made our work very difficult, and at one point we saved the Karaotok and home motels literally – Jurkovic told Avaz.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that a unique Submediterranean swamp and one of the largest wintering villages in the Europe Road, precisely because of the fire.

Saved reserve

In October 2010, the three-day fire in the area left horrendous consequences when 80 percent of this unique bird reserve in Europe was destroyed. More than 10,000 birds, said then, were upset in their habitat. A similar situation occurred in September 2015.

With 163 bird species, 630 plant species, and a rich fish found in five lakes, Hutovo blato is listed on the list of swamps of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention methodology.

Park prirode Hutovo blato: Najveće zimovalište ptica u Evropi skoro u potpunosti uništeno


26 October 2017

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Iako su požar koji je izbio jučer ujutro ubrzo uspjeli lokalizirati, u poslijepodnevnim satima, navjerovatnije zbog namjernog paljenja na nekoliko mjesta, vatra se, nošena jakim vjetrom, snažno razbuktala i gutala sve pred sobom. Štete su ogromne, potvrdio nam je to Mate Jurković, zapovjednik Vatrogasne jedinice Čapljina.

Ovako Park prirode “Hutovo blato” izgleda dan nakon požara. Jedinstvena submediteranska močvara i najveće zimovalište ptica u Evropi, skoro, u potpunosti je uništeno.

– Dovedeni smo u situaciju da, nakon što je na jednom mjestu ugasimo, vatra izbije na drugom. Jak vjetar i močvarno tlo jako su nam otežavali posao, a u jednom trenutku smo bukvalno spašavali motel „Karaotok“ i kuće – kazao je Jurković za „Avaz“.

Nažalost, ovo nije prvi put da jedinstvena submediteranska močvara i jedno od najvećih zimovališta ptica na području Evrope strada, upravo zbog požara.

Uništen rezervat

U oktobru 2010. godine požar koji je tri dana harao na tom području ostavio je stravične posljedice, kada je uništeno 80 posto ovog jedinstvenog ptičijeg rezervata u Evropi. Više od 10.000 ptica, navodilo se tada, bilo je uznemireno u svom staništu. Slična situacija dogodila se u septembru 2015.

Sa 163 vrste ptica, 630 biljnih vrsta te bogatim ribljim fondom u pet jezera, Hutovo blato upisano je na listu močvara od međunarodne važnosti po metodologiji Ramsarske konvencije.

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