Working on fire

Working on fire

06 September 2013

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South Africa — Working on Fire is a government funded programme carrying the mandate of developing skills and poverty alleviation amongst the poor communities in South Africa.

The young women and men are well skilled as fire fighters to help deal with veld and forest fires in the province.

Working on Fire’s teams has been hard at work since the official commencement of the Fire season which is 1st August to 31st October of every year. WOF Gauteng’s general manager Avhasei Maswime is deeply concerned with the manner in which people start fires because it is a critical period for veld and forest fires.

‘’We urge people not to start fires during fire season as per the National Veld and Forest Fire act of 1998’’.

‘Working on Fire is forging ahead to establish relationships with local Fire Protection Associations. Through the partnerships, we can enter into agreement to offer them a well-trained Working on Fire team’’ he said.

‘’The team can be used for the protection and prevention for fire during the critical fire season. They can also assist with fuel reduction out of the fire season by slashing grass.’’

He advised the land owners to create fire belts, and be capacitated to be able to prevent and fight veld fire.’

“We encourage landowners to form Fire Protection Associations where they don’t exist’’ he said.

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