Haze has not had significant impact on overall tourism sector: STB

Haze has not had significant impact on overall tourism sector: STB

08 July 2013

published by www.channelnewsasia.com

Singapore — The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said the recent haze situation has not had a significant impact on the overall tourism sector so far.

But the mid-to-longer term impact on Singapore’s tourism sector will depend on the duration and severity of the haze going forward.

In a written response to Parliament on Monday about the government’s plans for the tourism sector, which was potentially hit by the haze, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Trade and Industry S Iswaran said the adverse business impact was felt most keenly by players with outdoor operations.

STB has assessed that the episode has not significantly dented the overall tourism sector so far.

Mr Iswaran added STB will continue to work with stakeholders on the ground to ensure that the industry is ready with business contingency plans should the haze persist.

Meanwhile, STB remains committed to raising productivity of the industry over the medium and long term.

It is investing up to S$265 million of its Tourism Development Fund in programmes to help businesses and workers upgrade skills and enhance business processes.

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