Fire survey for holiday home owners

Fire survey for holiday home owners

21 May 2013

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Australia — THE Department of Fire and Emergency Services has invited landowners living in the Perth metropolitan area who have another property in regional Western Australia to complete a survey on bushfire risk, preparation and response.

DFES community engagement director Suellen Shea said there were an estimated 11,000 householders who owned second properties in areas of high bushfire risk in the southern half of the state.

“While many fulltime residents understand the risk of bushfire, people who do not live at their second homes on a consistent basis may not be adequately prepared, or understand their risks,” Ms Shea said.

“Despite second homes usually holding special memories, such as being used for family holidays or special events, people often leave them unattended and not prepared for the risk of fire.

“Bushfires happen every year and it is everyone’s responsibility to prepare, even if you don’t live permanently in the home.”

The direct mail survey was the first of its type for an Australian fire and emergency management authority, and DFES would share the research results with interstate counterparts.

Designed to take 15 to 20 minutes, the survey includes questions on how people use their second properties and how they are maintained, and seeks their opinions on bushfire preparedness, response, resilience and support in the community.

Selected participants were mailed the survey earlier this month and people are asked to return the forms by May 31.

They can also complete the survey online via the supplied link on the questionnaire paper.

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