International Smoke Symposium

International Smoke Symposium

07 May 2013

published by

USA — The Call for Papers in now open

As the extent of global wildland fire and smoke increases, changes in air quality and climate will result in greater threats to human health, ecosystems, and infrastructure in the United States and internationally. The International Smoke Symposium will provide a venue to explore the complex issues surrounding wildland fire and smoke; discuss different management strategies adopted around the world; and identify knowledge gaps within the field of smoke science for future research, innovation, and development.

This symposium will serve as a nexus of interdisciplinary research, management, and policy. Research specialists, managers, and policy makers from non-governmental organizations, government agencies, tribes, and private institutions will be able to discuss and evaluate current practices and the latest research and technological developments that inform decision making and provide a critical sounding board for future research needs and practical solutions to management challenges.

The Symposium will:

– Create an international forum to discuss complex smoke issues surrounding both wildland and agricultural fire.
– Identify research gaps and priorities for smoke science and air quality communities to address and meet contemporary challenges regarding public health, transportation safety, fire personnel exposure and changes in climate.
– Increase awareness of ongoing smoke science research for professionals engaged in fire activities, air quality management, resource stewardship, military land-use activities, and emergency services.
– Provide innovative training opportunities for managers and operational professionals through a virtual platform.
– Showcase contemporary science and technologies to promote pioneering management and policy strategies.
– Raise awareness of the global diversity of approaches, issues, ideas and mitigation strategies in fire behavior and smoke management as they pertain to ecological concerns, social perceptions, and economic issues.


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