Brush fire quelled in Glendale, California

Brush fire quelled in Glendale, California

04 May 2013

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USA — While firefighters waged war on a large wildfire in another part of the the Los Angeles metropolitan area, crews in the northern suburb of Glendale corralled a 75-acre brush fire that prompted evacuations.

“Fire nearly knocked down,” the city said on its Twitter feed late Friday afternoon.

Crews from several jurisdictions assisted Glendale, bringing the total number of personnel to about 200. Two firefighters suffered heat exhaustion.

Residents of more than 2,000 homes were evacuated, officials said.

The cause of the fire was not immediately clear.

Sgt. Tom Lorenz of the Glendale police department told CNN affiliate KTLA that the fire moved rapidly over ridge lines.

One school was evacuated Friday afternoon.

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