Bushfire inquiry details released

Bushfire inquiry details released

05 March 2013

published by www.abc.net.au

Australia — The Tasmanian Government has announced the terms of reference for an inquiry into the January bushfires.

More than 400 properties were destroyed in four major fires on January 4 and 5.

The Premier, Lara Giddings, used her annual State of the State address to Parliament to release the terms of reference for public comment.

The inquiry will investigate planning and prevention during the disaster, as well as communication.

“They include the immediate causes and circumstances of the fires, all aspects of the emergency response the adequacy of the transition from response to recovery, the preparation and planning by all levels of government,” she said.

The Government is yet to announce who will head the inquiry.

The Tasmanian Fire Service has welcomed the focus on social media in the terms of reference.

The Chief Fire Officer Mike Brown says the service is looking to improve its use of social media.

“It is used to further broadcast our messages that can be put out on our website but there’s still more that can be done,” Mr Brown said.

“Clearly there must be some ways that we can engage social media in more of a two-way stream.”


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