Bush fire leaves dozens homeless

Bush fire leaves dozens homeless

28 February 2013

published by www.monitor.co.ug

Uganda —   More than 100 people have been left homeless in Lelapwot Parish in Lamwo District after a bush fire left some 35 huts in ashes on Monday.
The cause of the fire is yet to be established but residents say it started at around 2pm.

“My bags of sim sim, sorghum and clothes were all burnt. I am now helpless,” Ms Christine Lamunu said.

She added that the only available option for them could be sleeping under trees, since the fire had destroyed the grass they would have used to build new huts.

The Lokung Sub-county chairperson, Mr Govia Opira, earlier said the locals may not do enough farming because most of them had lost their capital.

“Our people are suffering because of hunters who burn bushes in search for wild meat,” Mr Opira said, urging well-wishers to help the stranded families with food and other basic items as they await government response.

The LC5 chairperson, Mr Mathew Akiya, said he has for long been against unnecessary bush burning but locals have failed to cooperate.

“Soon we will start a community dialogue on how to make the fire line to stop fire from burning houses and farmland,” Mr Akiya said.

Last month, fire killed two people and property worth millions of shillings was lost in the same area, while in the neighbouring Nwoya District, more than 22 huts were burnt and 80 people left homeless.


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