MTN Bushfire donates over E63 000 to Gone Rural BoMake

MTN Bushfire donates over E63 000 to Gone Rural BoMake

02 October 2012

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Swaziland– MTN Bushfire has donated 100% of its merchandise proceeds to Gone Rural BoMake.
The proceeds amount to E63 012.50, bringing the annual arts festival’s total donations to the non-profit organization to E163 000 over a period of three years.
The cheque presentation was made during Gone Rural’s 20th anniversary celebration on Friday at House Oon Fire.
The Festival Director Jiggs Thorne said, “We are committed to evolving each year towards providing a relevant platform for positive social change through the arts. The overwhelming support of our sponsors, partners, the public and the media affirms our efforts and for that we are grateful.”
Gone Rural BoMake assists rural Swazi women and their communities with information and infrastructure development, addressing health, education and social concerns, impacting more than people in 52 villages. Gone Rural BoMake’s Shelley Belohrad expressed her gratitude, adding, “The festival has become the biggest fundraiser for our organisation, so it is with immense gratitude that we embrace this partnership and we would like to once again thank MTN Bushfire for its continuing support throughout the years.”
With more than 17 000 people in attendance, last year’s festival was the largest and most diverse yet. Held from 25 to 27 May, 2012 on Malandela’s farm in Swaziland, the festival successfully fused revelry with social responsibility and consciousness-raising dialogue.
Preparations are already underway for next year’s festival which will be held from May 31 to June 2.




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