Toddler killed in veld fire

Toddler killed in veld fire

27 August 2012

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Zimbabwe– HURUNGWE — A two-year-old toddler was burnt to death in a veld fire in Tengwe village, Hurungwe, last week.
Mashonaland West provincial police spokesperson Inspector Clemence Mabgweazara identified the deceased as Johannes Mwene.

Police said on August 22, the toddler was left in the company of her two siblings aged five and nine as their 29-year-old mother Rurarami Mwene went to sell her neighbour’s maize.

A little later, the toddler allegedly followed his brother who had gone to their grandmother’s homestead, about 200m away from theirs.

Along the way, he was engulfed by a veld fire and was seriously burnt. The toddler was rescued by his sister who heard him screaming for help, but died as he was being taken to Sadoma Clinic.




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