Human negligence responsible for veld fires

Human negligence responsible for veld fires

27 July 2012

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Zimbabwe– Environmentalists have raised concern over the increase in the number of uncontrolled fires in urban and peri-urban areas resulting in the massive destruction of property and loss of lives and have called on responsible authorities to put in place new strategies.

In an interview, Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe spokesperson, Violet Makoto said as urban and peri-urban agriculture continues, veld fires are becoming a cause for concern as people continue to burn crop residue and grass in all open spaces.

She however called for responsible authorities as well as individuals to take issues to do with the environment seriously especially veld fires.

“It’s sad to note that people continue to cause uncontrolled fires despite a number of awareness campaigns government is carrying out,” said Makoto.

Statistics revealed that over 90% of fires are caused by human negligence, hence the need for all Zimbabweans to take care of their environment and prevent veld fires in all natural open spaces.

One such scenario is along Willowvale road where vehicle tyres are burnt overnight to obtain some wire for fencing purposes.

The fires are left unattended posing a threat to human lives as there are houses close by.

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