orest fires in the Chelyabinsk region impede vacationers

Forest fires in the Chelyabinsk region impede vacationers

20 July 2012

published by www.bakutoday.net

Russia – Due to the hot, dry weather since the beginning of the summer in Chelyabinsk oblast recorded more than 500 large fires in the forests. More than 90% of fires occur in places of recreation. 19 July the situation with forest fires were discussed at a meeting of the Government of the Chelyabinsk region, reporter BakuToday in the press-service of the Governor of Chelyabinsk oblast.

According to the Minister, radiation and environmental safety in the region of Galicia, the largest Alexander fire blazes in the Kizil′skom area, area of fire is more than 500 hectares. “Along with the weather conditions, the big problem is the behaviour of people. More than 90 percent of the fires associated with recreation. Understandable desire to travel to nature, but the forest now, as gunpowder, one thrown cigarette butts can lead to serious burns, “– underscored Galičin.

The first Deputy Governor Sergei Komyakov also noted the seriousness of the situation and reminded the heads of all the specialized agencies and the heads of the municipalities on their personal responsibility for preventing and extinguishing fires: “there’s a master plan, approved by the Governor to be scrupulously. If you want to use reserve funds, both the Government and the municipalities. All equipment used in the localization of fires should be OK, provided fuel and water “. He also stressed the need to involve the police: “currently restricted entry into the forests, and people continue to mindlessly go in the Woods and Lakes on the cars. Request for law enforcement authorities to take control of the situation “.

In connection with the evacuation of more than 1,000 children from three suburban camps, Sergei Komyakov also mandated to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of children.

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