In 2012, the forestry Yamal allocated more than 300 million rubles.
In 2012, the forestry Yamal allocated more than 300 million rubles.
10 December 2011
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Russia — The Government of Yamal concrete steps for the integration of forest resources in the region’s economy. So, the amount of co-financing district on forestry is increasing annually. In 2012, will be the highlight of the district budget approximately 300 million rubles, reported 10 ldekabrâ correspondent BakuToday the press service of the Governor of Yamal-Nenets.
To improve the qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of forest management Department of natural resources management, forest relations and the development of oil and gas complex, a regional programme for the development of forestry in Yamal until 2020, “. In addition, a number of other, financially supported by targeted programmes. For example, for the implementation of the program “prevention and suppression of forest fires on the 2012-2014.” scheduled 64 million rubles; on the implementation of departmental targeted long-term programme “the use, security, protection and regeneration of forests Yamal on 2013-2015.”-100 million rubles.
Project a new, modern woodworking factory in the village of Only Krasnosel′kupskogo. The total cost of the project, involving investment will amount to 1 billion. rubles. In addition, a number of other activities of the project, the technological and organizational measures aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of forest management in the region.