CFA to recognise Black Saturday heroes

CFA to recognise Black Saturday heroes 

21 September 2011

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Australia — CFA members who fought Black Saturday’s bushfires are to receive a commemorative badge from the authority to recognise their service.

More than 20,000 members have already applied for the badges which will be handed out later this year.

CFA chief officer Euan Ferguson said it was important to recognise the efforts of volunteers, career firefighters and staff during the 2009 bushfires.

“Thousands of CFA members made incredible sacrifices, going above and beyond to help their communities during Black Saturday – many risking their own safety to help others,” Mr Ferguson said.

“Many CFA people lost family, friends and work colleagues in the fires. A number of members also lost their homes.”<!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–> <!–[endif]–>

CFA volunteering and operational training director Lex de Man said now was the right time to make the badge presentations.

“While we were mindful of allowing time for those to grieve, and communities to heal, the period since 2009 has also been a busy one for CFA members who have been involved in implementing changes arising from the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.”
Every CFA member who was involved in any aspect of the 2009 operations is eligible to receive a badge.

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