Cattlemen confident of more alpine grazing

Cattlemen confident of more alpine grazing

21 March 2011

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Australia — Victorian high country graziers are confident cattle will return to the state’s Alpine National Park next summer, despite Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke ordering cattle to be removed next month.

The State Government had allowed 400 cattle into the park to test if grazing could reduce the bushfire risk, but Mr Burke says they should have first informed the Federal Government.

President of the Mountain Cattlemens Association of Victoria, Mark Coleman, says the cattle were coming out of the park in April anyhow, ahead of the winter, and he says his group will keep lobbying to have cattle allowed back in next summer.

“The sad part about it is that it just seems to be all about the politics, you know,” he said.

“The Federal Labor Government is currying for favour with the Canberra Greens and the Victorian National Parks Association.

“At the end of the day, it’s going to be the alpine eco-systems that suffer.”

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