RedFlow technology aids Victoria bushfire battle

RedFlow technology aids Victoria bushfire battle

15 Dezember 2010

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Australia — RedFlow is set to install innovative energy storage systems in Victoria to help reduce bushfire risk after winning a government contract valued at around $1 million.

The Brisbane-based company has this week finalised a supply contract for ten bromide battery-based remote area power systems (RAPS) with Energy Safe Victoria (ESV).

ESV is the independent statutory safety regulator responsible for electrical and gas safety in that state.

The installation is part of the Victoria Government’s initiative of setting up a Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce to investigate alternative measures to reduce bush fire risk following the report of the Victoria Bushfires Royal Commission.

RedFlow is currently installing the first three units in the Daylesford district and the remaining systems will be delivered to the Euroa district shortly.

Each RAPS system comprises a RedFlow 5kW packaged zinc-bromide battery-based storage system, together with roof-mounted solar panels and a packaged diesel generation set.

CEO Phil Hutchings says the order illustrates yet another application for RedFlow’s energy storage systems.

“These units are designed to demonstrate how selected parts of the overhead electricity network can be turned off on high risk fire days in the Victoria summer,” Hutchings says.

“The RedFlow systems will allow electricity supply to be maintained to households when that occurs and do so in an efficient and environmentally friendly way,” he adds.

RedFlow officially listed on the Australian Stock Exchange yesterday under the issuer code RFX after successfully raising $17.5 million in an IPO.

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