Fire burns down woods in Georgia`s various regions

Fire burns down woods in Georgia`s various regions

15 November 2010

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Georgia —  Fire has burnt down dozens of hectares of woods in various regions of Georgia. Fire fighters have been fighting the disaster in Tskhvarichamia resort for the past four days; however, they failed to save 20 hectares of woods there. The landscape complicates the work of fire fighters, who say the disaster was caused by the negligence of locals.

Situation is also critical in Tianeti district, where the locals and the brigades have been fighting fire in the village of Tetrakhevi during the past four days. The disaster has spread on to 25-30 hectares of woods. The problem for fire fighters is the same here – hard landscape. The fire threatens the forests in the bordering Dusheti district, but the fire fighters presume they will extinguish the disaster by the evening.

The fire brigades have been sent to Kazbegi district as well; the fire, which spread from the Sno Gorge, spread on the Koselta and Karkucha gorges; locals are involved in the fire fighting works.

The brigades of Interior Ministry have joined fire-fighting works in the Baghdati district, Imereti Region; they are fighting the disaster from helicopters to localize the fire, which has already burnt down 17 hectares of woods.

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