Fuel reduction burn to help ease peat fire risk

Fuel reduction burn to help ease peat fire risk

09 November 2010

published by www.abc.net.au

Australia —  The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) hopes to conduct fuel reduction burns this week, close to a peat fire burning near Colac.

The fire at Yeodene has been burning underground for up to 13 years.

The DSE’s Otways district fire manager, Andrew Morrow, says the controlled burn will help reduce the risk of the peat fire spreading into nearby bushland this summer.

“That remains a concern to both the DSE and the Country Fire Authority, so we’re looking to do some burns around the south of that peat fire and that’s one that we’re particularly keen to complete this spring,” he said.

“There’s some ongoing monitoring that we’re doing around the peat fire and we’ll be looking at doing some infra-red scanning work over that area before the end of the month.”

The DSE also expects to ignite a controlled burn at Bambra, near Winchelsea, today.

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