RI to campaign for emission reduction in Australia

RI to campaign for emission reduction in Australia

05 November 2010

published by antaranews.com

Australia —  The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) will launch a campaign on Reduction of Emission Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in four cities in Australia, Arie Rompas, the forum`s director, said here Friday.

“The campaign will raise issues on terminal problems of climate change, in which paradigm of development, chasing rapid economic growth, and exploiting natural resources, are used by industries in the developed countries,” Arie said.

Nevertheless, he added, the southern countries, including Indonesia, with their tropical forests, also take part in releasing carbon emissions from degradation and deforestation caused by forest fires.

A solution to climate change should appreciate people`s right for justice and welfare, nature`s sustainable recovery and protection of people`s productivity.

“The solution offered to the problems is sometimes favorable to the country and diverted into carbon trading instead of mainly dealing with increased greenhouse emissions,” he added.

In the campaign, the forum teams up with Friend of the Earth Australia to hold the REDD Speaking Tour to Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney from November 5 to 20.

The forum`s director said he will meet Australian people, academicians, mass media and parliamentarians to promote the importance of a fair solution to climate change and REDD threats for the people.

He added that the future generation need to be protected ad saved from climate change, to enable them to adapt against to the change properly.

“Don`t let carbon trading in Indonesia to inflict more damage and discourage people from coming out of their homes,” Arie said.

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