Online bushfire season meetings

Online bushfire season meetings

05 November 2010

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Australia —  Victorians are being invited to prepare for the bushfire season without leaving their homes in a series of online meetings set to begin on Monday.

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) will hold its first online FireReady meeting for the 2010-2011 fire season on November 8.

The live one-hour blog will provide information on how to prepare for the season, including identifying risks, preparing property and planning to leave before fire threatens.

Bushfire experts will take questions online.

CFA chief executive Mick Bourke said the meetings were ideal for people who are unable to attend face-to-face meetings because of childcare or other commitments.

He said an above normal fire season is expected across the state despite recent rain.

“The bushfire risk remains very real; it takes just a short period of hot weather for growth in forests and grasslands to dry out and become fuel for fires,” Mr Bourke said in a statement.

“CFA’s FireReady sessions have been designed to help reduce the loss of lives and homes in bushfires.”

The online meetings are in addition to 2000 community meetings across the state in 2010-2011.

Monday’s online meeting can be accessed at at 8pm (AEDT).

Other online meetings are scheduled for November 15, 24, December 6 and 22.

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