Pekanbaru residents complain about haze

Pekanbaru residents complain about haze

22 October 2010

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Indonesia —  Residents of Pekanbaru, Riau, have complained about a thick haze blanketing the city as it has caused a number of health problems, ranging from eye irritations to respiratory infections.

Sakinah, a housewife on Jl. Riau in Pekanbaru, admitted Thursday that her baby had had a cough and fever over the last seven days.

A physician said that her child ‘s illness was caused by bad weather in which a haze started to blanket Pekanbaru.

“I’m worried about this situation as beside having a child under five years old, I also have a senior family member,” Sakinah said as quoted by Antara.

Sarjo, another resident, said that the thick smog had caused him breathing difficulties when he rode his motorcycle.

“I have been forced to use a mask,” he said.

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