Ten wildfires put out in Russia’s Far East

Ten wildfires put out in Russia’s Far East

20 October 2010

published by en.beta.rian.ru

Russia —  All wildfires that have broken out in Russia’s Far East in the past 24 hours have been put out, the local emergencies ministry’s press service said on Wednesday.

Ten wildfires covering a total area of more than 1,800 hectares were registered in the region on Tuesday.

“As of Wednesday morning, there are no wildfires on the Far East territory,” the statement said.

Ninety-five people and 40 units of equipment were used to put out the flames, the report said. Four aircraft flights were made to assess the situation.

An unprecedented heat wave hit European Russia this summer, sparking wildfires and severe droughts in many regions. More than 50 people died in the fires, which destroyed over 2,000 homes.

Some regions, including the Far East, continue to face fires even in fall.

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