Residents evacuated from Arkansas town due to wildfire

Residents evacuated from Arkansas town due to wildfire

11 October 2010

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USA —  Establishment started evacuating residents from a tiny town in central Arkansas on Sunday as a tiny wildfire threatened their community, a disorder forestry commission lecturer said.

Residents were being questioned to place their homes in Traskwood, a community of about 500 people 35 miles southwest of Small Rock, said Christina Fowler, a lecturer for the Arkansas Forestry Commission.

The fire, estimated to span about 100 acres, started Sunday morning in a heavily wooded area that surrounds the town, Fowler said.

The disorder has been plagued with such fires since October 1, according to a release from the forestry commission. Crews have suppressed more than 100 fires that have burned about 1,200 acres since the beginning of the month, the release said, and burn bans have been issued in 44 Arkansas counties.

Four firefighting crews and two air tankers are involved in the efforts to contain the latest blaze, the forestry commission said.

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