B.C. Training Korean Delegation on Forest Fires

B.C. Training Korean Delegation on Forest Fires

06 October 2010

published by www.opinion250.com

Canada / South Korea —  There are 29 Korean forestry officials in Salmon Arm this week to complete wildfire cause and investigation training with provincial experts.

“With more than 90 years experience, British Columbia has become a centre of excellence for wildfire management,” said Forests and Range Minister Bell.

During the week-long course, trainees will learn to track fire origins from a variety of sources, including cigarettes, lightning and sparks from off-road vehicles and machinery. They will also learn about wildfire behaviour, burn indicators and how to undertake complex investigations, like those that deal with arson.

The course meets both national and international standards for wildland fire investigator certification and was developed by an international fire investigation working team. “This training can be applied anywhere in the world, regardless of terrain or historical fire behaviour. What we’re teaching is methodology – a science-based approach to wildfire investigation that can withstand the court’s scrutiny,” said Steve Grimaldi, an instructor and senior protection officer with the Ministry of Forests and Range.

The South Korean officials hail from a variety of municipal, regional and national agencies that are responsible for wildfires in the Republic of Korea.

This is the second time a Korean forestry delegation has come to British Columbia for training.

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