Veld fires claim livestock

Veld fires claim livestock

28 September 2010

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Namibia —  Veld fires at Uuvudhiya Constituency in the Oshana Region have killed a number of animals and destroyed fences.

“A farmer came to my office with three goats that were burnt to death. He (farmer) said some goats and sheep were also badly burnt, but did not die, while several others disappeared and they are believed to have burnt to death,” explained the Councillor of Uuvudhiya Constituency, Amutenya gwa Ndaafa.

According to Uuvudhiya Constituency Chief Clerk, Jacob Nakaleke, the fires did not only cause severe damage to farm fences and burnt animals to death, but also destroyed large grazing lands.

Nakaleke said the fires destroyed grass on a stretch of over 20 kilometres.

“At the moment, I cannot tell how big the damaged area is, because we have not visited all farms yet. In the same vein, I am unable to give the exact number of animals that died because we have not seen all the farmers yet,” said Nakaleke.

A villager at Oponona village allegedly accidentally started the veld fires.

The man was burning rubbish near his homestead when the fire got out of control. The fire spread from the village to farmlands. According to Nakaleke, the damaged area is between Oponona and an area known as Number Six.

The incident took place at 07h00 last Thursday. Firefighters only managed to extinguish it late the same day.

Nakaleke said no human casualties were reported.

Veld fires have recently become a major cause for concern in the northern regions.
In the Omusati Region, veld fires were reported at Okeelongo village where fences were also destroyed.

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