Wildfire closes I-70

Wildfire closes I-70

15 September 2010

published by www.abc4.com 

Utah:  Sevier County, UT(ABC4 News) – Heavy smoke and flames closed I-70 near MP 11.

Utah Highway Patrol was forced to shut down the freeway until it is determined the hazard is gone. West bound I-70 is being re-routed down SR-89. East bound I-70 is being re-routed to SR-50. Please avoid this area if possible.

Although protection efforts around the historic Kimberly Mining Distric are still successful, authorities are taking some precautions in case the fire may jump the freeway.

The Twitchell Canyon Fire is now 11,293 acres and voluntary evacuations are in effect in Castle Rock Campground and Clear CreekCanyon.

The following road closures are still in effect:

Forest Road 119 Indian Creek Road at Pole Creek Junction.
Forest Road 114 Shingle Creek Road intersection with the Paiute Trail Mud Flat Road.
Forest Road 113 Mill Creek Road from Mud Springs to Kimberly Junction.


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