Natural fires in the Altai Territory: According to the information received on 09 September, 2010 at 06:00 Moscow time

Natural fires in the Altai Territory:

09 September 2010

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Russia: As a result of negative weather conditions due to strong winds (up to 30 m/sec) and high temperatures (up to +35C) the spread of trans-border fire occurred from the territory of the Kazakhstan Republic to the Mikhailovskiy Region of the Altai Territory.

Due to strong wind the fire became crowning, there has appeared threat to five settlements.

334 buildings, of which there are 310 residential houses burnt down in 2 settlements, about 1000 people were left homeless.

229 people are staying in 7 places of temporary accommodation.

The Crisis Center EMERCOM of Russia and the Federal Crisis Center have been organized on the grounds of the National Crisis Management Center since 8 September 2010 in order to coordinate the joint efforts of Federal Executive Bodies and the Executive Bodies of the Russian Federation.

The increase of the operational response group was conducted in the shortest possible time, 7 aircrafts are operating. 3 settlements were saved from the spread of fire, the consequences of fire in 1 settlement were minimized.

1571 people and 333 items of equipment, including 865 people and 204 items of equipment (7 aircrafts and 2 firefighting trains) EMERCOM of Russia are engaged in fire extinguishing operations. 6 flights and 2 water discharges (84 tons) were made by the aircraft EMERCOM of Russia.

There is a threat of spreading of 7 trans-border fires from the Kazakhstan Republic to the territory of Burlinskiy, Slavgorodskiy, Mikhailovskiy, Loktevskiy, Uglovskiy and Tretyakovskiy Regions of the Altai Territory. The EMERCOM of the Kazakhstan Republic and EMERCOM of Russia cooperate in order to avoid spreading of trans-border fires to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The group is being increased in case the situation becomes worse. The existing group, preventative measures, use of the aircraft EMERCOM of Russia help to control the situation.

6 joint emergency response groups have started working in the Mikhailovskiy Region of the Altai Territory in order to update the damage costs, number of injured, render psychological assistance, medical and material aid and restore the documents that were lost in fire.

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