Wild fires and the heat-wave in the Russian Federation Situation Report – 22 August 2010

Wild fires and the heat-wave in the Russian Federation Situation Report – 22 August 2010

22 August 2010

published by www.reliefweb.int

Russia — From the start of the emergency period of abnormally high temperatures and wildfire risk in the Central, Volga and Urals federal districts, over 7 000 locations with a total area of 430 000 hectares have been affected.

On average, more than 200 separate fires broke out each day. Almost 95% of the fires were isolated or extinguished on the day of detection.

The most difficult situation in this period of wildfire activity occurred in the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Vladimir and Sverdlovsk regions and the republics of Mari El and Mordovia. The fires damaged 134 settlements, of which 8 were completely destroyed. As a result, over 5000 people were evacuated from hazardous zones, and 19 settlements were created for temporary residence.

Quick action in the field helped to stabilize the situation. Over 166 000 people and 26 500 units of machinery (including 49 aircraft) were used to suppress the wildfires. In addition, foreign assistance included 500 people, 100 units of machinery and 13 aircraft.

At this time, evacuees are being released from temporary settlements into areas of permanent residence. Owing to the fire potential, the situation in the settlement of Bayanovka (Northern Ural Urban District), with 480 residents – including 105 children under 17 years of age – remains under special control. A fire has been detected on the mountain of Kumba, located 1.5 kilometers from the settlement, which currently poses a threat.

Full Report (PDF – 26,3 Kbytes)

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