Firefighter, 18, charged with setting forest fire

Firefighter, 18, charged with setting forest fire

19 August 2010

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USA — An 18-year-old member of the township volunteer fire department has been arrested on a charge of intentionally starting a forest fire Aug. 13 in Bass River.

Ryan A. Dellane was arrested after an extensive investigation by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Arson Unit in conjunction with a multijurisdictional forest fire task force.

The fire, which happened off of Long Causeway Road in Bass River Township, consumed approximately four acres of forest.

Dellane was arrested without incident Tuesday night at the Tuckerton Barracks of the State Police.

Officials are investigating whether he is linked to several other recent unexplained fires and arsons in southern Ocean County.

Dellane was charged with one count of aggravated arson, a second-degree crime. Bail was set by Judge Wendel E. Daniels in the amount of $50,000. Dellane was released after posting bail.

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