Robbers used fire to lure family from home – police

Robbers used fire to lure family from home – police

22 July 2010

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South Africa — KwaZulu Natal police said they believed a veld fire was deliberately started in Mooi River where three people were found murdered on Thursday morning.

The fire broke out at the Sherwood Farm on Wednesday night and a couple living on the property left their home to try and douse the flames.

The fire had spread rapidly and the farmer’s wife went back to the house to get more help.

On returning to his home in the morning, the farmer found the bodies of his wife and two farm workers. The woman’s throat had been slit while their employees were stabbed.

The police’s Jay Naicker said the house was ransacked but nothing was taken.

“We suspect that the veld fire was set deliberately by the suspects and they did not expect anyone to return to the house so quickly.”

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