Armenian armed forces commit arsons in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

Armenian armed forces commit arsons in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

15 June 2010

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Azerbaijan — APA Karabakh bureau reports that the fire covers cornfields in Shkharkh settlement of the region located in the line of contact.

Officials of Tartar Region Department of State Firefighting Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have arrived at the site. Chief of Civil Defense Headquarters of Tartar Region Executive Power Ilgar Musayev told APA that the representatives of State Firefighting Service and Executive Power were taking necessary measures in this regard. Despite it was possible to extinguish the fire that serious damaged the cornfields, more than 1300 ha vast cornfields are under the real threat.

Note that Armenians have started setting fires in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan for several days. Local residents told APA that the fires set by Armenians late in June intensified. The arsons damage the agricultural fields and farms. The fire caused mass flow of locusts from the burned areas to the cornfields.

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