Grass Fire Kills Hundreds of Chickens, Ducks

Grass Fire Kills Hundreds of Chickens, Ducks

19 May 2010

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USA — It was a startling and deadly scene in Southwest Fresno County Tuesday night where a vegetation fire ripped through a barnyard killing hundreds of animals.

It’s a stark reminder of the dangers we’re facing considering our peak wildfire season began this month and with above average rainfall lending itself to thicker grass and brush — we could be in for a trying summer.

A couple of grass fires have already sparked up — one of which broke out in Firebaugh Tuesday afternoon — at one point threatening hundreds of acres of farmland.

Fire crews managed to keep it to about 70 acres.

Around 8 p.m. Tuesday, Fresno Fire crews got a call about a grass fire in the area of West Kearney Boulevard and Blythe Avenue.

When they got there they found a 50-by-100 foot wood and metal structure half engulfed in flames.

Officials say the building was used by several Hmong families to house chicken coups which they raised for their own livelihood and consumption.

It took more than a dozen firefighters to knock back the flames and keep them from spreading to two nearby homes.

While no residents were injured — two firefighters were treated at the scene –one for a knee injury — the other for heat exhaustion.

The cause of the blaze is still under investigation.

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