New water bombers added to forest fire arsenal

New water bombers added to forest fire arsenal

20 April 2010

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Canada —    Manitoba is adding some big-time water power to battle blazes in the province’s forests.

Premier Greg Selinger says the province is acquiring four turboprop water bombers for its firefighting fleet.

The new aircraft are being purchased from Quebec-based Bombardier Aerospace at a cost of about $126 million.

Selinger says the new bombers are faster and can carry more water than the CL-215 aircraft now being used.

The current fleet will still be used until all the new bombers arrive. The first one is scheduled for delivery this fall.

Two more will arrive next year and the fourth in 2012.

About 50 wildfires have already been reported in the province this year and the fire hazard is increasing in the warm, dry weather.

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