Mizoram farmers burn jhums; one Maruti van engulfed

Mizoram farmers burn jhums; one Maruti van engulfed

06 March 2010

published by mizoramexpress.com

India —  Even as about 50 per cent of the cultivators burnt their jhums by March 4, one Maruti van was engulfed in flames at Khawuhlian area on the same day.

However, no one was injured in the incident. According to Khawruhlian VCP Mr. Suakkhuma there was no one seen around the vehicle when it was caught by the forest fire. It was presumed that the vehicle was parked near the jhum hut by persons fishing in Tuirini river.

Meanwhile, officials said that destruction of valuable forest resources during this dry season is expected to be less as compared to the previous year.

In another incident people of Bungtlang village had to put out the forest fire around their village on March 3 which was presumably caused by burning of jhums in the nearby area. The Police Fire Tender in Serchhip were also engaged to safe the village from the the fire which engulfed the village on the same day.

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