Gov’t begins community afforestation in bolga

Government begins community afforestation

23 February 2010

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The government through the various assemblies and the Ministry of Forestry has begun a pilot scheme known as community afforestation to help check desertification and improve the environment. The Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive Epsona Ayamga made this known at formal reception of members of the community exchange programme between Bolgatanga municipality and Plymouth under the Global Exchange Britain and Volunteer Service Organization (VSO).

The Global Exchange Britain and Volunteer Service Organisation (VSO) programme is aimed at helping participating organizations and community groups to achieve strategic goals in youth engagement, participation and citizenship and community cohesion and development.

The programme also seeks to improve cross-cultural working through local, regional and international networking through local, regional and international networking and partnership building.

The Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive Epsona Ayamga who commended the facilitators of the programme, said their efforts towards tree planting in the Bolgatanga municipality is worth emulating. He assured them of the assembly’s support and expresses the hope that the assembly will revise it by laws to strengthen the law enforcement agencies on bush fires and discriminate lumbering in the region.

The Upper East Police Commander ACP Bright Oduro assured the volunteers   maximum security but however cautioned them about the lams in the   laws in the country.

The programme Supervisor Sydney Tetteh Hushie in an interview with Radio Ghana expressed the believe that members of the programme will be able to benefit from the programme as a result of the exposure to different perspectives and progressive new ideas.

He called on the various participants of the programme to take advantage of the programme and enhance their capacity.


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