Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ZALA 421-04M chosen for Aerial Monitoring of Forest Fires

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ZALA 421-04M chosen for Aerial Monitoring of Forest Fires

19 February 2010

published by news.wood.ru

Russia —  Avialesookhrana acquired unmanned aerial vehicles ZALA 421-04M produced in Russia for the aviation monitoring of forest fires, and its staff have been trained at the factory of these devices, said its producer – the company ZALA AERO. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been already delivered to the customer.

The UAV will be used to provide information in support of ground fire brigades to fight the major forest fires, as well as to patrol the local forest plots to detect ignition, monitoring of existing peat fires, using optical and infrared channels, inspection and photo documentation of fire scars, prompt examination of forest sites to study the state of forests.

This type of UAV has a takeoff weight of 3.9 kg, the duration of the flight is up two hours, an electric motor runs on batteries, an operating speed is 65 to 120 km / h (maximum – up to 150), maximum range of stable radio – 25 miles , maximum altitude 3.6 km above sea level, length is 0,62 m and a wingspan is 1,6 m, weight of the payload is up to 1 kg. The device runs with the hands using a special catapult, landing with a parachute.

The aircraft can be equipped either video camera or a camera or thermal imager.

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ZALA AERO UAVs Monitors Forest Fires

Today ZALA AERO would like to announce a successful completion to the planned testing of UAS ZALA 421-08 (2 kg) and ZALA 421-12 (4 kg) during 22-24 September 2010 that tested the capabilities of these systems to monitor and survey for forest fires as well as identifying the roles that UAVs can have in the agricultural industry in the near future.

The key finding of the testing that took place in the Moscow region concluded that ZALA UAS systems portability and simply changeable payloads play a key role in providing flexibility that agricultural environment requires. Both of the systems are now equipped with built in photo cameras with GPS mapping and changeable day view or infrared payloads that provide 360 degree viewing angle. During the tests the information from both systems was translated to one ground control station on which the targets were mapped out.

As for results, the pre-pared fires that ZALA UAV systems needed to identify on all of the tests the systems identified all burning fires but also identified underground fires that were spreading while also on two separate occasions identifying and tracking the culprits. These tests were conducted with the government agency FGY <<AVIALESOOHRANA>> to test systems capability and the integration of ZALA UAS into the existing ISDM-Rosleshoz network as information component.

Other conclusions include that ZALA UAS are applicable and provide cost benefits to the manned aviation in surveying agricultural establishments and enforcing the law. These tests have established a defiant point in the applicability of UAV systems in civil sector. ZALA AERO and FGY <<AVIALESOOHRANA>> are now in discussions to establish and ingrate a ZALA UAS system before the end of the year, combining ZALA 421-08 and ZALA 421-12 platforms to provide the flexibility of a multi-platform UAS.


Для авиационного наблюдения за лесными пожарами выбран “беспилотник” ZALA 421-04М

19 февраля 2010 г.

Авиалесоохрана приобрела для авиационного наблюдения за лесными пожарами беспилотные летательные аппараты российского производства ZALA 421-04М, а ее сотрудники прошли обучение на заводе-изготовителе этих аппаратов, сообщает их производитель – компания ZALA AERO. Беспилотные летательные аппараты уже поставлены заказчику.

Летательные аппараты планируется использовать для обеспечения информационной поддержки наземных пожарных команд при тушении крупных лесных пожаров, а также для патрулирования локальных участков лесного фонда с целью обнаружения загораний, мониторинга действующих торфяных пожаров с использованием оптического и инфракрасного каналов, осмотра и фотодокументирования состояния гарей, оперативного осмотра лесных участков с целью исследования состояния лесных массивов.

Данный тип беспилотного летательного аппарата имеет взлетный вес 3,9 кг, длительность полета до двух часов, электрический двигатель, работающий на аккумуляторах, рабочую скорость полета от 65 до 120 км/ч (максимальную – до 150), максимальную дальность устойчивой радиосвязи – 25 км, максимальную высоту полета 3,6 км над уровнем моря, длину 0,62 м и размах крыла 1,6 м, вес полезной нагрузки до 1 кг. Аппарат запускается с рук при помощи специальной катапульты, садится при помощи парашюта.

Летательный аппарат может комплектоваться или видеокамерой, или фотоаппаратом, или тепловизором.

Источник: http://news.wood.ru/?id=30518

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