Phone bill relief for bushfire victims

Phone bill relief for bushfire victims

5 January 2010

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Australia — Inverell-based senator John Williams has commended Telstra for offering help to people involved in fighting bushfires near Bundarra.

Senator Williams was taken on a tour of some of the burnt-out properties just prior to Christmas, and while no homes were lost, most farmers were left with little stock feed and fencing.

“A group of local landowners had co-ordinated bushfire fighting efforts as the blaze headed towards Bundarra because the Rural Fire Service volunteers were stretched to the limit.

“They spent hours on the phone keeping other landowners informed as the fire approached, arranged for equipment to be brought in and liaised with the RFS.”

When the senator asked how he could help, they expressed concern their mobile phone bills would be horrendous and asked if some relief could be given.

“I contacted Telstra CEO David Thodey with their request, and I am delighted to say Telstra will be waiving the mobile phone charges incurred by these farmers during the period of the fire.”

He said this was a wonderful gesture by Telstra and most appreciated by those affected.

“I would also like to thank those organisations who came to the aid of the drought and bushfire-ravaged Bundarra district in the lead-up to Christmas,” Senator Williams said.

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