Brazil Announces National Policy on Climate Change

Brazil Announces National Policy on Climate Change

31 December 2009

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Brazil — Brazil’s President introduced national legislation that will guide efforts to reduce projected emissions by 36.1 to 38.9 percent by 2020. This legislation comes on the heels of the COP-15climate change conference held in Copenhagen earlier this month, and demonstrates Brazil’s eagerness to make significant and immediate progress against global climate change.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced today the national climate change legislation to reduce projected greenhouse gas emissions by 36.1 to 38.9 percent by 2020. Roughly half the reduction would come from slowing Amazon deforestation, which accounts for more than sixty percent of Brazil’s CO2 emissions. The rest would come from improved energy efficiency in construction,farming, and industry. Brazil will also continue to rely heavily on sugar caneethanol, which has been shown to have the best energy balance relative to other biofiels that are presently produced at scale.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012, as a developing county, Brazil is not obligated to limit its emissions.

The implementation of this new policy will be detailed in February with the publication of a presidential decree to determine reduction ranges per economic sector and specific measures to be carried out. Throughout January, federal government technicians will conduct further studies aimed at bolstering the presidential text.

“Targets in figures are not enough, we must have the tools to will ensure our goals are achieved,” said Carlos Minc, Brazil’s Minister of the Environment.

The main objective of the National Policy on Climate Change is to ensure that economic and social developments are compatible with the protection of the climate system, and to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging the use ofclean energy. The document also paves the way for implementation through federal, state and municipal administrations.

Other highlights include providing for theconservation and recovery of national biomes, consolidation and expansion of legally protected areas, and the development of the Brazilian Market for Emission Reductions.

The primary tools for policy implementation are the National Plan on Climate Change, the National Fund on Climate Change and the Brazilian National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Secretariat for Social Communication (SECOM) of the Presidency of Brazil is responsible for coordinating the Public Relations activities for the government of Brazil. 

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