EviKontroll for Peat Fire Monitoring

EviKontroll for Peat Fire Monitoring

7 December 2009

published by www.envirotech-online.com

Estonia — Peat fires are emerging as a global threat with significant economic, social and ecological impacts. Monitoring the temperature in the peat fields has become an important factor in controlling peat bogs fire. Evikon (Estonia) have launched “EviKontroll for peat” a product designed exclusively for peat industry. The product allows permanent wireless temperature monitoring in peat fields.

The system can detect smouldering fires and surface fires using PT1000 B and PTC1000 sensors. The information is stored on a provided web server and can be accessed from any terminal with Internet access. The wireless probes have been designed for deep insertion and the the control unit can display temperature values on site.

The system can be characterised by ultra low power consumption, low cost network and reliable data transfer.

This product is expected to be successfully used in peat fields and to actively contribute to the prevention of peat fires and ecological accidents. Preventing peat ignition can have a high impact in reducing the CO2 in the atmosphere.

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