Fujitsu Australia completes bushfire website

Fujitsu Australia completes bushfire website

1 December 2009

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Australia — Fujitsu Australia has finished implementing the Country Fire Authority’s new website just in time for the bushfire season.

The site was developed in partnership with software vendor, SAP, using a custom designed SAP CRM7.0 solution.

According to Fujitsu, the project began in mid-July and was completed 12 weeks later.

Victorians can find where the nearest community meetings are being held and the status of fires.

The number of trucks deployed to each fire hot spot as well as the fire danger in each region is displayed on the front page of the site.

The Fujitsu-constructed website comes on the back of the Black Saturday fires of February 2009, which cost 173 lives and destroyed more than 2000 homes.

A Royal Commission into the disaster heard evidence that the Country Fire Authority failed to properly communicate to both the public and its own fire fighters.

Fujitsu Australia was not available for comment at the time of publication.

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