Bushfire bunker design rules revealed
Bushfire bunker design rules revealed
11 November 2009
published by www.news.com.au
Australia –Victorians planning to build a bushfire bunker or shelter on their property will now have to follow new design rules.
State Planning Minister Justin Madden says interim regulations and an accreditation process for construction of bunkers will come into effect immediately.
National bushfire bunker guidelines will be introduced next year.
“It is absolutely vital that people considering building a bunker or private bushfire shelter are aware of the risks and requirements that they need to meet for such a bunker to be considered a safer place of last resort,” Mr Madden said in a statement.
“Bunkers or shelters cannot be relied upon to save lives.”
Under the accreditation system, manufacturers can apply to the Building RegulationsAdvisory Committee for accreditation of their products.
Information on the bushfire bunker registration and accreditation process can be accessed on the internet at www.buildingcommission.com.au.