Reflectors can save lives in bushfire

Reflectors can save lives in bushfire

5 November 2009

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Australia — A system of raised cat’s eye reflectors along the road surface at Bobbin Head Rd, North Turramurra, should be universally adopted throughout all bushfire-prone areas, says Ku-ring-gai councillor Tony Hall.

Raised reflectorised pavement markers were originally installed along Bobbin Head Rd in 2005 to ensure safe passage for vehicles in the event of a major fire, such as in 1994.

With thick smoke hampering visibility, motorists and fire crews can rely on the markers to assist in evacuation or firefighting operations.

“These reflectors can save lives – there’s no doubt,” Cr Hall said. “In 1994, evacuation was difficult and that’s why we campaigned to install the markers – the fact is they do a terrific job.”

The destructive 1994 bushfires levelled 42 homes around Ku-ring-gai Chase and Garigal national parks.

Earlier this year, Cr Hall said Ku-ring-gai Council reported nearly 40 per cent of the markers had been lost.

The RTA has recently replaced the markers – a move that Cr Hall and residents are celebrating.

“Those cat’s eyes may save lives this coming summer in North Turramurra and likewise in Victoria’s fire areas too, if adopted,” he said.

The markers at North Turramurra were unique and had not been rolled out across at-risk zones, he said.

“I’m hoping what we have done here may encourage the coroner in Victoria to recommend they are adopted down there.”

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