Minister denies bushfire ‘no-go’ list

Minister denies bushfire ‘no-go’ list

4 November 2009

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Australia — The Emergency Management Minister has given an assurance all Tasmanians will be aided by the fire service in the event of a bushfire, if they are properly prepared.

Jim Cox has denied there is a secret list of areas that would not be defended by firefighters in the event of a bushfire.

In State Parliament yesterday the Liberal spokesman, Rene Hidding, asked whether Chief Fire Officer Mike Brown had a list of suburbs deemed indefensible.

Mr Cox says all Tasmanians will be aided by the fire service if their property is properly prepared for bushfires.

He says the fire service will not commit to attending fires if its resources are put at unreasonable risk.

“The TFS would not commit its people or appliances to unprepared properties during adverse fire conditions as it would put firefighters in considerable risk and limited fire fighting resources are better allocated to properties where they can be more effective,” he said.

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