More funds for bushfire communities

More funds for bushfire communities

16 October 2009

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Australia — An extra $193 million will be spent rebuilding Victorian communities affected by February’s bushfires.

The money will come from the Bushfire Appeal Fund, the State and Federal Governments, and corporate donations.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Victorian Premier John Brumby were in Flowerdale today to make the announcement.

Mr Brumby says the package focuses on supporting and helping communities to achieve their goals.

He says this is in addition to funds previously committed.

“I think we’ve made huge progress. We’ve taken huge steps,” he said.

“But today is about the next steps, the next big steps in the rebuilding and recovery process.”

The funding focuses on rebuilding schools, community centres, sporting clubs and tourist facilities, and will be rolled out over the next two years.

The Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund will contribute $56 million to the rebuilding effort, and $20 million will come from corporate and private donors.

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