Wildfires threaten British Columbia towns

Wildfires threaten British Columbia towns

4 August 2009

published by www.seattlepi.com

Canada — British Columbia has called for more firefighters to protect property from wildfires, and 30 specialists from Australia and New Zealand are among those responding.

Forest Minister Pat Bell says the large number of fires is stretching resources.

The Canadian Press reports 850 personnel from across Canada are helping almost 3,000 British Columbia firefighters at hundreds of fires.

One 13-square-mile fire is threatening Lilloet where 2,300 people were forced to evacuate Sunday as winds pushed the flames within site of the town, 155 miles northeast of Vancouver.

The 29-square-mile Terrace Mountain fire has forced 2,500 people out of their homes north of Kelowna for the second time in two weeks.

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