Large Grass Fire Causes Radio Tower Collapse

Large Grass Fire Causes Radio Tower Collapse

15 July 2009

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USA — A 10-acre grass fire burning in Sacramento’s Arden area Wednesday afternoon is to blame for the collapse of a radio tower and the damage of a second tower.

Sacramento Fire Captain Jim Doucette told FOX40 News Wednesday that the 10-acre, two-alarm blaze caused the structural collapse of a radio tower at the intersection of Lathrop Way and Commerce Circle, where several radio stations belonging to CBS Radio and Results Radio, including KZZO-FM “The Zone,” KYMX-FM “Mix96” and KCCL-FM “K-HITS 92.1FM” as well as a local AM sports station.

It’s unclear what service the destroyed radio tower provided. A second radio tower is reportedly “leaning” and may collapse according to fire officials.

A call to CBS Radio revealed the three stations with studios at the company’s Commerce Circle location are still broadcasting without interruption.

No injuries or other structural damage has been reported.

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