Bushfire volunteers counter NSW evidence, court told

Bushfire volunteers counter NSW evidence, court told

8 July 2009

published by www.abc.net.au

Australia —

The lawyer for a Canberra bushfire victim has told a court they have evidence that New South Wales fire authorities were able to get to a blaze which burnt into the capital in 2003.

Wayne West’s property in the Brindabellas was destroyed in the 2003 Canberra fires.

He is suing the New South Wales Government on the grounds fire authorities failed to attack the McIntyres Hut blaze when it first started.

That fire ultimately burnt into Canberra.

There are now several negligence claims in the ACT Supreme Court including Mr West’s.

Today his lawyer told the court they have statements from senior Rural Fire Service volunteers that counter evidence given by the NSW Government in the ACT inquest.

They allege the state was able to access the McIntyres Hut fire and want to see radio control records to cross check the claims.

Lawyers for NSW told the court they would attempt to make the documents available.

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