Forest fire alert messaging system effective

Forest fire alert messaging system effective

8 June 2009

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India —

The forest fire alert system introduced in state’s forest areas has yielded encouraging results. The system has helped in identification of fire-prone areas and their scientific management and control. During the last two years, only less than five hectare forest area has been affected by fire while before introduction of forest fire alert system in 2006, this area used to be 15 hectare on an average. This goes to show that the field staff are now able to douse forest fires quickly.
The entire field staff of Forest Department has been connected with information network through information technology. Apart from collecting necessary data, the field staff can also receive reports through this system, which is based on GIS and MIS computer application technology.
A glance at the data shows that fire incidents have come down in the months of November, December and January. This is the crucial period when Tendu leaves and mahua are collected. Generally, fires erupt during the pruning of Tendu leaves and mahua. Efforts are underway to ascertain the exact causes of fire incidents after which more effective steps will be introduced. The modern technique has helped in find some of the reasons and places, which are fire-prone. After this, attention was focused on these areas resulting in reduction of fire incidents.
As soon as forest fire alert system gets the information of a fire ignition, it transmits an SMS is to the field staff which is also available for higher forest officers as well as the headquarters. This ensures timely and effective control over fire incidents in the forest areas.

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