Ritter to sign 3 bills today in Montrose

Ritter to sign 3 bills today in Montrose

2 June 2009

published by www.gjsentinel.com

USA — Gov. Bill Ritter will sign three bills from the 2009 legislative session into law today in Montrose.

One of the bills will allow fire protection district boards to increase or decrease fees for ambulance and search and rescue services. The second bill will allow volunteer firefighters to receive community college tuition vouchers in return for their service. The third bill grants immunity to people in case something goes wrong when they aid victims during emergencies.

Ritter and hundreds of wildland firefighters will gather at the Colorado Wildland Fire & Incident Management Academy. Ritter will sign the bills beginning at 6 p.m. in the Montrose Pavilion, 1800 E. Pavilion Place.

The bills are among several Ritter is signing into law this week at the Capitol and around the state.

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